29/08/2017 It Feels Strange 違和感

Actually I finished my school recently. As a proverb, " Time flies so quickly" is exactly indicate my life especially in Australia.
Why? because I can't believe the fact about my school and I'm going to go back Japan next year.
What have I gotten for 4 months?  Will my aim achieve only this year?

When I arrived to here, I had a big dream and I really want to get it. But now. I still have such dreams, however I am felling that I am getting lazy.

I think the best difficult thing for almost people is to keep their efforts.  People who achieved something difinetly make efforts and keep doing such as Ichiro who is a famous baseball player in Japan.  When he was a junior high school student, his daily work was to practice swinging a bat everyday. If I were him, I wouldn't keep it. He is a exact genius.

Anyway, I need to set a goal again.


I graduated from my  English school recently. There is a proverb which says, " Time flies so quickly" Describes my life in Australia *to a T.
Why? Because I can't believe my school has ended and I'm going to go back Japan next year.
What have I learnt in this 4 months?  Will I be able to achieve my aim this year?

When I first arrived, I had a big dream and I really wanted to get it. But now, I still have the same dreams, however I feel that I am getting lazy.

I think the most difficult thing for most people is to maintain their efforts.  People who achieve something definitely make constant effort and keep working hard. Such an example is Ichiro, who is a famous baseball player in Japan.  When he was a junior high school student, his daily  practice was swinging his bat everyday. If I were him, I wouldn't be able to keep it up. He has extraordinary *discipline.

Anyway, I need to set a goal again.

*to a T: 正確に表現する
*disciplice: 自制心


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