

Today's question
What do you think about your dreams?

Today's question
What are your dreams?

My dream is the person always has a sense of advancement.

My dream is to be a person who always seeks improvement.

Because humans can think something of difficult problems and solve it.  I think the power of thinking themselves is the most difference between humans and animals.

Humans are capable of solving difficult problems because they possess the ability to think.
I think the ability of  logical thought is the main difference between humans and animals.

However, I guess it's not good for only thinking.  It's important to continue process trial and error and try to do better action.  That’s “a sense of advancement”.

However, just thinking alone is not enough. It's important to continue the trial-and-error process to find a better solution. That's "seeking improvement".

I would like to notice some problems and change it by myself.

I would like to find my problems and solve them by myself.


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